Note: For console, these are standalone keymaps, but for Xorg these are variants of the us layout, you need to pass them to XkbVariant variable. The us Dvorak keymaps for the virtual terminal are: But Xorg lists dvorak as variant of your regional keymap. See Keyboard configuration in console or Keyboard configuration in Xorg for configuration details.įor the virtual terminal, dvorak and the regional keyboard are combined into one keymap.
Dvorak proponents claim that it requires less finger motion and as a result reduces errors, increases typing speed, reduces repetitive strain injuries, or is simply more comfortable than QWERTY.
Dvorak is a keyboard layout for English patented in 1936 by August Dvorak and his brother-in-law, William Dealey, as a faster and more ergonomic alternative to the QWERTY layout (the de facto standard keyboard layout).